Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween...although I won't be eating any candy!!!

Today I will be preparing for the 2008 Gold's Classic Body Building & Figure Championships. No Halloween costumes and candy for me! Instead I will be getting body wrapped at The Body Wrap Shoppe in Manchester, NJ followed by a Fantasy Tan. This contest is the first of the last three of the season. It will be held at Ocean Place Resort in Long Branch, NJ tomorrow (November 1, 2008). If you are interested in body building and/or figure competitions and if you are close by you should come and watch! Doors for the Pre-Judging open at 11am and tickets are $10. Doors for the Night Show and awards presentation open at 6pm and tickets are $30. (If you want to come to both shows tickets are $30.)

The body building community is small, and everyone knows one another for the most part, but it's a great sport to be a part of. There is a great sense of accomplishment when competing, even if you don't get a trophy. Just to know that you worked your butt off to be confident enough to stand in front of a crowd in a tiny (but very expensive) swim suit is rewarding enough.

Follow me on my journey and please ask me any questions you may have! I hope to start my own team of competitors one day, so if you want to join my team send me a message at my Fitness Jenn website.

Thursday, October 30, 2008


Hello and welcome!

You must be here because you are interested in taking the best care of yourself! Maybe you need some advice. Maybe you need some support. Or maybe you just need some ideas on how to start living healthy or continue living healthy.This group is here to help you get through the journey. There is so much information out there that it can be a little intimidating. This group is here to help you understand it all!

Feel free to post inspiring stories about yourself. Invite others into the group who you think may benefit from the advice and support. Check back often for great information. Those who commit to positive change often succeed with the support from others.

Let Fitness Jenn's Healthy Living Group be the last piece of the puzzle you need!